The creche department admits learners 1 year to 2 years. Rhymes, Action songs, Color work, Literacy, Creativity, Pre-writing, are the subjects the learners are exposed to in a play/fun form. The Department ensures that the children are ready for “NURSERY ONE”. The Department treats learners as they would be treated home. Ghana Health Service personnel are invited from time to time for health screening and to provide an in-service training for the facilitators.


The nursery class is divided into two classes “NURSERY 1” which admits learners between the ages of 2 and 3 years while “NURSERY 2” admits learners between the ages of 3 and 4 years. Rhymes, Action songs, Color work, Literacy, Creativity, Pre-writing are the subjects that learners in these classes are exposed to.


The kindergarten has two classes “KG 1” and “KG 2” and these classes admit children between the “5 and 7 years old”. The four pillars of the kindergarten are Our World Our People, Literacy, Numeracy and Creative Art.